Monday, January 27, 2020
What is HVAC
What an HVAC Does
The primary purpose of an HVAC system is to regulate room temperature, humidity, and air flow within acceptable and safe limits to ensure that we are comfortable and healthy.
Room temperature - Room temperature regulation is accomplished by both heating and cooling the air in a room. Simply put, on cold days the system adds heat to the air and on warm days the air is cooled. Obviously the human body is not meant to be subjected to cold temperatures for long periods or hypothermia and perhaps death can occur. Conversely, consistently high temperatures can cause heat stroke or death. Children and elderly folks are particularly susceptible to extreme temperatures because they are more likely to have immature or poorly functioning temperature regulation mechanisms.
Humidity - Too much humidity in the air is not only uncomfortable, but it encourages the growth of molds, some of which are harmful to our health. High humidity can also cause fatigue by decreasing physical strength. Likewise, too little humidity creates moisture-deprived air that dries the membranes in our noses, throats and lungs making us more susceptible to disease. The proper regulation of humidity in our indoor air, therefore, has both comfort and health implications.