Sniffling and sneezing from spring allergies aren’t caused only by what’s outside. Spring allergies are aggravated by allergens that have made their way inside your home, too.
You can alleviate some of your symptoms by following these simple tips:
•Keep your home’s ductwork and registers clean by vacuuming and dusting regularly.
•Run your air conditioner to force the air in your home through the A/C’s filter, which should trap much of the pollen, dust and other allergens floating around in your home.
•Upgrade your Air conditioners filter. High-efficiency furnace and air conditioning filters can trap more allergens that affect those with springtime symptoms.
•For more complete air cleaning, consider investing in a mechanical air cleaner with HEPA filtration to remove breathable particles from the air
•Consider replacing carpets or rugs with wood, vinyl or other flooring.
•Run kitchen and bathroom fans to exhaust contaminated and humid air outdoors rather than letting it be recycled throughout your home.
An allergen-free home can be a refuge for spring allergy sufferers. Contact SoBellas Air Conditioning and Heating for expert advice on how to control spring allergies in your home and other issues relating to home comfort. Our family-owned and operated business has been providing years of heating and air conditioning installation and service.
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