Have you ever noticed that sometimes life feels like you’re going from one extreme to another? Like, low, high. Cold, hot. We’ve certainly seen those extremes in weather this year in El Paso – and will be seeing even more. Is your air conditioner still getting you through these extreme changes?
You’d think that serious cold would be followed by a milder summertime. But that’s not what the weather people see happening. Instead, after a really cold winter pretty much across the country, we’re moving right into another extreme: a really hot summer.
So those really low temperatures are headed really high, and those uncomfortably cold days are about to become uncomfortably hot.
But here’s the good news. This fact of weather life does not mean that you have to be uncomfortable, especially in your own home. In fact, there’s an important step you can take right now to ensure that your home air conditioners comfort stays steady whatever ups and downs the thermometer shows.
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Las Cruces, NM 88001