What temperature is your home’s refrigerated air conditioning system set at right now? Will you raise, lower or keep it the same when you go to sleep? It’s an age-old inquiry that has been sparking debate since cooling systems were born and our El Paso refrigerated air conditioning professionals would like to join in on this hot day:
Scientists have opined on this topic for decades. Some of the most recent research was reported on this year by Building and Environment magazine as well as Environmental Research. Collectively, they show that for many people, having the home’s refrigerated air condition system’s thermostat set anywhere from 58 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit during the evening hours is ideal. But what do you have to say about that?
The U.S. Department of Energy suggests that everyone keep their refrigerated air conditioning systems set at anywhere from 14 to 20 degrees higher than that at this time of year, regardless of the hour. So who’s on the right side of this sticky debate? In our A/C repair professionals’ estimation, the right temperature for sleep is like beauty. It’s all in the mind of the individual.
For some of us, 78 degrees Fahrenheit may be too hot to handle and others may get goose pimples just thinking of wearing their skivvies in temperatures any cooler than 68. Weigh in if you’d like and see how your family’s sleep preferences stack up against our neighbors in Texas. Then choose a happy medium and count on our refrigerated air condition professionals to keep it stable.
And if some family members that don’t agree with the temperature you’ve set, suggest that they try to personalize their own sleeping space. For example, they may want to try wearing warmer pajamas or aiming a giant fan at the bed. To learn more about getting a home’s sleeping temperature just right, please contact El Paso SoBellas Air Conditioning and Heating Repair today.
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El Paso, TX 79932