4 Tips on How to Prepare Your Air Conditioner For Summer - Air Conditioning Repair
Summer is only a few months away which means the time to prep your air conditioner is approaching at lightning speed in El Paso. Waiting for that first hot day to start up your unit is never a good idea, unless you want to call your local heating and cooling repair company. Instead you should give your appliance a thorough inspection a few weeks before temperatures begin to reach uncomfortable highs. Listed below are tips on how to get your A/C ready to combat those long, hot summer days and nights.
1. Before you hit the cool switch on your thermostat, head outside to check the condition of your A/C unit. First and foremost, you want to remove any objects that could potentially block the appliance's air intake. If you find debris leftover from the winter months littering your unit's surroundings, be sure to clear it away. Don't forget to also remove any objects you may have stacked on-top of the appliance. If you start up your air conditioner while air circulation is restricted you run the risk of damaging the unit.
2. Change the filter in the weeks leading up to summer. If you start the air conditioner with a dirty filter from last summer, its efficiency level will drop. Ideally, you should replace the filter every three months, however, if you have pets in your home you should switch out the filter more often.
3. Cleaning the outside units compressor is also highly recommended. You should start this process by turning off the power at the main breaker. Once that safety measure is taken care of, remove the top of your A/C unit. Using a gardening hose, set at a low pressure stream, gently wash off the dirt and grime that is covering the compressor.
4. While doing a few DIY maintenance procedures can better prepare your central A/C for the summer months, you should still consider scheduling an annual tune-up. A tune-up performed by a professional air conditioning repair company can alert you to existing issues and save you from major malfunctions occurring during the summer months.
If you're getting your central A/C unit ready for the approaching summer and you feel it's in need of a tune-up or hvac troubleshooting, please contact us at SoBellas Home Services, your local ac repair provider in El Paso and we'll be happy to help you.
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SoBellas Air
Conditioning & Heating Repair El Paso Texas
SoBellas Home Services
125 Graphite Dr. Ste. D
El Paso, TX 79932