Maintenance as an Energy Saving Tool?
Normally we talk about maintenance on an air conditioning appliance as a means of extending a systems life cycle and to prevent major equipment breakdowns. This will help you avoid costly air conditioning repair. However another major benefit of any maintenance program for air conditioning and heating equipment is to ensure the system continues to operate efficiently. A poorly operating air conditioning system definitely wastes energy. Proper maintenance for air conditioning repair needs can ensure that a system is not wasting energy or the equipment owners hard earned money. Everyone could use some help with their electric bill.
A poorly operating air conditioning system can waste energy in several different ways. Maintenance inspections should ensue the air conditioning system is operating properly and efficiently. A major impact on energy consumption is operating a system with a low refrigerant charge. A 23 percent refrigerant undercharge could result in a 52 percent efficiency loss. Systems operating with higher than normal pressures waste energy also. Operating an air conditioning system with dirty condensers can consume up to 37 percent more energy than a clean air conditioning condenser. The condition of the evaporator coil and fans need to be checked. Excessive icing on an evaporator coil or a defective fan degrades the ability to exchange heat thereby wasting more energy.
These are just a few things to consider when deciding to schedule maintenance on your air conditioning equipment. If you follow a basic maintenance schedule it will greatly reduce costly air conditioning repair and save energy and money.
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